What can I do if the Health Score information for my business is incorrect or outdated?

        Yelp updates health scores with new data provided by each municipality. However, we depend on local governments and our third-party partners, such as Health Department Intelligence (formerly Hazel Analytics), to keep health scores up to date. If your score is incorrect or outdated, click or tap on the Health Score link from the Yelp business page where you'll find an email or website link. 
        In jurisdictions where we display a score computed by a third-party partner, scores are calculated relative to other restaurants in the area. Learn more by visiting Health Department Intelligence’s FAQ page.
        If the health score information is sourced directly from your local health department (as indicated on the health score link), you'll need to contact them directly since that information is provided by them. If that information is correct on their health department's website and the concern is that the health inspection data Health Department Intelligence (HDI) provided us is inaccurate, then please contact HDI Analytics directly by email (HDISupport@ecolab.com).
        If you're unsure or have any other general questions or concerns, please contact us at healthscores-support@yelp.com.
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