How do I report a message or quote?

        If you're being harassed or receiving inappropriate messages or quotes, please let our moderators know by reporting the conversation - this is the quickest way to let us know about any potential issues. Once we receive this information, we will be able to take appropriate action. You can also read our instructions for blocking yelp users or business owners.
        Instructions for:
        Business Owners

        Business Owners

        Please note that currently business owners can't report a Yelper's reply to a message that the business owner initiated.
        To report a message or quote from Yelp for Business Website
        1. Go to the Inbox section of your account

        2. Click the message in question to open it

        3. Click the More Options button in the upper right corner and select Report this Conversation

        To report a message 
        or quote from the Yelp for Business Owners app
        1. Tap Inbox in the bottom navigation bar

        2. Tap the message in question to open it

        On iOS:
        1. Tap the More Options (3 dots icon)

        2. ​Select Mark as Inappropriate 

        On Android:
        1. Tap the Overflow Menu (3 dots icon)

        2. Tap Report Message


        To report a message or quote from the full site at
        1. Go to the Messages section of your account

        2. Click the message in question to open it

        3. Click the More Options icon (3 dots icon)

        4. Click Report this Conversation

        To report a message 
        or quote from an iPhone/Android
        1. Tap More

        2. Tap Messages

        3. Tap the message in question to open it

        4. Tap the 3 dots More Options icon (iPhone)​ or Overflow icon (Android)

        5. Tap Report Conversation

        If you've already reported something and have questions about the response you received, please contact our Support team.
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