How can I view metrics and reports for my business in Yelp Reservations?
To view metrics and reports
Log in and choose your location from the Yelp Reservations dashboard
Click the Overview tab in the sidebar and stay in the Overview tab at the top
Select a date using the arrows beneath "Overview of [Name]"
Select a report to the right of the date:
Cover Flow: opens a new window to show a printable report of cover details for the specified date
Shift Summary: opens a new window to show a printable report of shift details for the specified date
View Reservations: takes you to the Book sidebar tab to view reservations for the specified date
Log in and choose your location from the Yelp Reservations dashboard
Go to the Overview tab in the sidebar and click the Analytics tab at the top
Select a Date Range
Click on/off the Day and Shift filters to determine what the report shows
Log in and choose your location from the Yelp Reservations dashboard
Go to the Overview tab in the sidebar and click the Activity tab at the top
Select a Date Range
Click on/off the Action Type filters to determine what the report shows