Business Help Center
Yelp Business Page
What are Guaranteed Seating Areas on Yelp Guest Manager?
How do I create or edit a reservation for my business in Yelp Reservations?
How do I update the status of a reservation in Yelp Reservations?
What are the various note fields for Yelp Reservations and who can see them?
How do I create custom tags for guests or reservations?
How does the grid view of the schedule in Yelp Reservations work?
How do I add a new server or assign one to a table in Yelp Reservations?
How can I view metrics and reports for my business in Yelp Reservations?
How do I create a new user for my Yelp Reservations account?
What are additional features on the iPad for Yelp Guest Manager?
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